3 posts encontratos

Seed growing kits

The samples described as “Eggling Crack & Grow” are seed starter gift packs with seeds of herbaceous plants. The first sample contains basil seeds and the second sample contains mint seeds. Both growing kits contains a set of potting compost, a ceramic bisque shell with seeds inside, a terracotta tray, a packet of extra se...

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Açaí em pó

Açaí em pó, obtido a partir da liofilização da polpa da fruta pasteurizada, acondicionado em sacos metalizados de 5 kg, utilizado como ingrediente em preparações da indústria de alimentos. Código NCM: 1106.30.00 DISPOSITIVOS LEGAIS: RGI 1 (texto da posiç&ati...

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Blend of gum arabic and stevia powder

The subject merchandise is composed of a blend of gum arabic and stevia powder. The manufacturing process outlined indicates that raw gum arabic is dried, grounded then blended with stevia leaf that has been extracted to 95 percent purity using water dissolution and spray dried into powder form. The blending process will tak...

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